For the past 20 years, our partners, sgm records, j bug prints, and amp-stl have brought excellence and success to the st. louis and surrounding media markets. All of our combined years of actual hands-on experience is exponentially multiplied by our designers, engineers, and producers’ abilities to effortlessly sift, manipulate, and sort all the various instruments, implements, styles, file-types, formats, genres, tunings, tempos, ink-colors, cloth-blends, computer programs, and most importantly- all the electronic gadgets, gizmos, grey-scales, and gremlins that have literally set all the world buzzing for the past 100 years or so. If you need 1 or 10,000 REAL cds or dvds pressed for worship service; if you’re a wrestler or band on the way to kick butt in japan and you need 1000 shirts with your logo and tattoo; or if you simply want to transfer an old vinyl LP or home movie – we have it covered!